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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Unity 團結,Vision 異像


“Oh,” said a woman to a minister, “do you belong to us?” “Well,” said the minister, “who are ‘us’? I belong to Christ.” Then, seeing that this explanation still did not satisfy her, he continued, “I like the Augustinian creed: ‘A whole Christ for my salvation, the whole Bible for my study, the whole Church for my fellowship, and the whole world for my parish, that I may be a true Christian and not a sectarian.’” (from Illustrations of Bible Truths # 913)


There were two Christians occupying the same cottage, each bound to keep his own side of the house well thatched. They were sadly divided denominationally, one being a Baptist and the other a Presbyterian. After repeated battles with words, they were not on speaking terms. One day these men were at work on the roof, each thatching his own side, when they met at the top and were forced to look into each other’s faces. One of the men took off his cap, and scratching his head said to the other, “Johnnie, you and me, I think, have been very foolish to dispute as we have done concerning Christ’s will about our churches, until we have clean forgot His will about ourselves; we have fought so bitterly for what we call the truth, that it has ended in spite. Whatever is wrong, it’s perfectly certain that it never can be right to be impolite, unneighborly, unkind—in fact, to hate one another. No, that’s the devil’s work, not God’s! The same thing may be the matter with the church as with this house. You are working on one side, and I am on the other, but if we only do our work well, we will meet at the top at last. Give me your hand, old neighbor!” So they shook hands and were the best of friends ever after. (from Illustrations of Bible Truths # 880)


There is an old legend about a herd of mules that was attacked nightly by a pack of wolves from a nearby forest. When the wolves came, the mules began kicking viciously in all directions. Consequently the mules maimed and injured each other while the agile wolves escaped unharmed. Finally, a wise old mule called the rest together for a conference and made known his plans. That night the wolves came yelping from the forest as usual, but instead of the mules kicking, they all ran and put their heads together in a circle and began kicking outward. The wolves were put to flight, and the mules did no harm to each other. (from Illustrations of Bible Truths # 881)


Probably you’ve heard of the group who were supposed to have arrived in heaven and been met by St. Peter. In a beautiful meadow they saw some people assembled and asked Peter who they were. Peter replied, “They are Presbyterians.” They walked on a distance to a beautiful brook, and one asked, “Who are the people gathered over there?” And Peter answered, “They are Lutherans.” Then they came to a tremendously high wall and one asked, “Whose are the voices we hear behind that wall?” “Shh!” said Peter. “Please be quiet!” Then he whispered the name of that denomination and said, “They think they are the only ones up in this place, and we don’t want to disillusion them. If they find out that others have made it up here, too, how will they feel?” (from Illustrations of Bible Truths # 882)


A Baptist family had a death in the family while their minister was out of town. They asked a minister of another denomination to conduct the funeral service. He said he would have to check with the bishop, so he wired him, “Can I bury a Baptist?” The bishop wired back, “Sure, bury all the Baptists you can!” (from Illustrations of Bible Truths # 100)


Once upon a time, the animals decide they should do something meaningful to meet the problems of the new world. So they organized a school.

They adopted an activity curriculum of running, climbing, swimming and flying. To make it easier to administer the curriculum, all the animals took all the subjects.

The duck was excellent in swimming; in fact, better than his instructor. But he made only passing grades in flying, and was very poor in running. Since he was slow in running, he had to drop swimming and stay after school to practice running. This caused his web feet to be badly worn, so that he was only average in swimming. But average was quite acceptable, so nobody worried about that- except the duck.

The rabbit started at the top of his class in running, but developed a nervous twitch in his leg muscles because of so much make-up work in swimming.

The squirrel was excellent in climbing, but he encountered constant frustration in flying class because his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the treetop down, He developed “charlie horses” from overexertion, and so only got a C in climbing and a D in running.

The eagle was a problem child and was severely disciplined for being a non-conformist, In climbing classes he beat all the others to the top of the tree, but insisted his own way of getting there. (Charles Swindoll, Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life 312).


The hammer, screwdriver, plane, ruler, and sandpaper were having a conference. The topic: What’s wrong with our garage personnel. Brother Hammer presided. Several suggested he leave the meeting because he was too noisy. Replied the Hammer, “If I have to leave this shop, Brother Screw must go also. You have to turn him around again and again to get him to accomplish anything.”

Brother Screw then spoke up. “If you wish, I will leave. But Brother Plane must leave too. All his work is on the surface. His efforts have no depth (deeper meaning.”

To this Brother Plane responded, “Brother Rule will also have to withdraw, for he is always measuring folks as though he were the only one who is right.”

Brother Rule then complained against Brother Sandpaper, “You ought to leave too because you’re so rough and always rubbing people the wrong way.”

一個男人正從橋上走過,他看到有另一名男子想自殺, 於是大叫,“你在作什麼?人生還有很多追求的事!」。他繼續說:「你有冇信仰?」

A guy is walking across the bridge when he sees a second man, who is about to commit suicide. “What are you doing? You have so much to live for!” the first man exclaims. He proceeds to ask, “Are you religious or atheist?”

“Religious,” the second guy replies. “So am I,” the first man says.

“Are you Baptist?” “Yes.” “So am I,” the first man replies.

“Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?” the first man asks. The second replies, “Baptist Church of God!”

Are you Baptist Church of God, schism of 1890, or Baptist Church of God, schism of 1912?”

“1912,” the second man replies.

“Heathen!” the first man exclaims, and pushes the man into the river.

Quotes引證 :
There is no 'I' in team

TEAMWORK means never having to take all the blame yourself.

Teamwork means more "we" and less "me.

Together Everybody Achieves More

Two dogs strive for a bone, a third runs away with it.

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.

We have beaten the English but they’re back because you won’t stand together. William Wallace












理智的人會調整自己來適應世界;不理智的人會不斷地試著調整世界來配合自己。因此,所有的進步都要靠不理智的人來完成。(蕭伯納,George Bernard Shaw)真正的改革或徹底改變,大部分是由具有異象的的人所提出。(《改變世界的家》,173)


有一天他的朋友實在受不了了,就反駁他說:「你要是真的認為斯巴達那麼好,又這麼瞧不起雅典,那你為什麼不甘脆搬到斯巴達去呢?」 丟格尼回答說:「無論我真正希望的是什麼,我的責任是留在最需要我的地方。」

Quotes引證 :
Dream, but don’t quit your day job. The Wit and Wisdom of Forrest Gump

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